Stand at the top of your mat

Bring your right foot back about 3′ or so, landing on the ball of the right foot.  Your hips will be facing the front of the mat.

Straighten your right leg, as you bend the left knee, keeping the knee directly above the left ankle.  Your torso and hips are facing forward

Inhale as you bring your hands to heart center *

Exhale as you turn your torso to the left, bringing your right hand to the right side of the left foot.  This is a good place to use a prop – such as a block for support beneath the right hand

Left arm raises to the ceiling as you twist your torso to the left

Gaze is in front of you

Keep the right leg strong and straight (this is where your stability comes from)

Release the left arm, bringing your palms together at heart center, raising the torso to face the front of the mat

Bend the right knee and come to the top of your mat

Repeat on the left side

*For the full expression of Crescent Lunge, raise your arms above your head, shoulder distance apart, with hands facing one another